Ship Runs Aground! Double-Hold Requirement Saves Pollution


On May 29, an oil tanker ran aground in the St. Lawrence River offshore of Morrisburg, Ontario and just down river from Waddington.

What happened?

The oil tanker flying under the Marshall flag ran aground in the St.Lawrence River near Morrisburg. The ship, a double-hold tanker, is stuck and currently undergoing inspection by a Canadian inspector.

No visible pollution

According to Andrew K. Bogora, service communications inspector for the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation said, “There was no visible pollution and that the cargo of the ship was a refined product, not crude oil. He was unable to be more specific. Due to the double-hold requirement of all transport ships on the St. Lawrence river, pollution from the contents of the ship is unlikely”.

Traffic unaffected on the channel

As the ship ran aground outside of the navigation channel, the traffic was unaffected.

Due to the lack of severity, there was no need for first responders to assist in helping crew members or in containing any pollution.

Two tugboats are being sent to the tanker to help bring it back into the channel.

The Canadian inspector will make sure that there is no leakage or extra damage. Mr. Bogora was uncertain when the inspection would be complete.

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Source: Watertown Daily Times