Shipping Confidence Report 2022


  • The shipping industry confidence has fallen from the historic highs seen in February 2022 but perhaps not as far as might have been expected.
  • This is the main finding of the latest edition of the Shipping Confidence Report based on a survey in August 2022.
  • The drop in confidence is largely down to falls in Asia and among Manager business types.

A recent news article published in the BDO highlights the about Shipping Confidence Report 2022.

Main findings of the Shipping Confidence survey

The presentation below allows you to click through the main findings of the Shipping Confidence survey and our analysis at your own pace.

On some slides, you are also able to select the data you want to focus on such regional data or a particular year.

We hope you find the report useful and easy to use.

Riding a wave of confidence but for how long?

Shipping Confidence Report March 2022

The world has changed shockingly in the few weeks since we took the Shipping Confidence survey to market in February. At the time, Russia had not yet launched its war on Ukraine and clearly the full impact of the conflict on confidence in shipping has yet to emerge. Will we once again see the shipping industry’s resilience put to the test?

The good news is that overall confidence in shipping was at a historic high in February. Confidence was high across all business types and across Asia and Europe. This confidence was also apparent in strong intentions to make a major investment across business types and regions.

Our bonus question in this edition is about the price of crude oil in 12 months time. Again, we would expect that to have changed as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Nonetheless, the chart shows a significant shift in expectations from a year ago.

How does the Shipping Confidence report work?

The Shipping Confidence Report is based on the views of industry professionals across the main types of shipping business and from across the globe with a focus on Europe and Asia. As well as monitoring confidence, the report looks at the ‘intention to make a major investment’. The report also provides insight into market expectations and trends across tankers, dry bulk and container freight shipping.

The report also covers other important business issues for shipping such as the forecast for finance costs and the main drivers of business performance such as demand trends, competition and tonnage supply.

The impact of Brokers, Managers and Owners on these trends is analysed as are regional differences.

Each Report also looks at forecasts for some of the shipping industries key indicators such as the Baltic Dry Index, Brent Oil prices and overall World Seaborne trade.

How can I take part in the Shipping Confidence Report?

If you would like to contribute to the Report, please complete the contact form below and we will be in touch. We always welcome the views of industry insiders who are able to share their experiences and expectations of the industry.



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Source: BDO