Shower Sex in a Naval Destroyer Filmed with Apple iPhone



A Royal Navy female sailor has told a court martial she felt “horrible and violated” after a colleague surreptitiously filmed them having sex in the showers of a warship.

Leading Logistician Scott Furber denies a charge of voyeurism in relation to the incident on board HMS Diamond while alongside at Limassol, Cyprus, on June 9, 2014.

The trial at Portsmouth Naval Base court martial centre heard that 29-year-old Furber and the alleged victim agreed to meet for consensual sex in the showers on board the destroyer, which goes against the navy’s “no touching rule” for sailors.

But before she arrived, Furber, who was a chef on board, set his Apple iPhone on a shelf in the shower and made a 10-minute recording of their encounter during which at one point he can be seen grinning at the camera.

Major David Whittaker, prosecuting, said the recording only came to light in October that year when the defendant was quizzed about it by a superior officer.

She denied that she had agreed to film the sex earlier that day when they were on the beach.

The court martial continues.

Source: Irish Examiner