Sierra Leone Tightens Rules On Disembarking Stowaways


  • The Sierra Leone Ports and Harbors Authority (the Authority) has recently implemented stricter regulations concerning the disembarkation of stowaways on vessels calling at their ports.
  • These new rules aim to discourage ships from using Sierra Leone as a convenient location to offload stowaways.

Prior Permission Required for Deviations

Ships that intend to deviate from their planned voyages to disembark stowaways after leaving the territorial waters of the country where the stowaways boarded must now obtain prior permission from the Authority at the port where they intend to disembark.

$2,000 Fine per Stowaway

The Authority will levy a US$2,000 fine for each stowaway disembarked in Sierra Leone. This significant financial penalty serves as a deterrent to ships considering Sierra Leone for stowaway disembarkation.

Discouraging Easy Disembarkation

These new regulations, including the requirement for prior permission and the imposition of fines, are intended to dissuade vessels from viewing Sierra Leone as a jurisdiction where stowaways can be easily disembarked.

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Source: American Club



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