Singapore Green Port Programme


The Green Port Programme (“GPP”) is one of the programmes under the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative (“MSGI”) to encourage environmental sustainability amongst ocean-going vessels calling at the Port of Singapore and MPA licensed harbour craft. The GPP has been reviewed and enhancements will come into effect from 1 May 2022.

A. Vessels calling at the Port of Singapore

The GPP programme will be enhanced for vessels calling at the Port of Singapore taking into consideration the updated IMO Phase 3 Energy Efficiency Design Index (“EEDI”) requirement. The applicable port dues reduction will apply to vessels calling the Port of Singapore that meet the criteria listed below:

Port dues reduction 30%

Qualifying criteria:
– Use zero carbon fuel in the Port of Singapore (Zero carbon fuels include hydrogen and synthetic non-carbon fuels (i.e. ammonia) derived from renewable electricity based on solar, wind or hydro).

Port dues reduction 25%

Qualifying criteria:
– Use low carbon fuel in the Port of Singapore (Low carbon fuels include both LNG and biofuel blends with more than 20% biofuel content. MPA will consider the use of low carbon or other green fuels with International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) that can demonstrate a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of 20% or more, compared with operating on very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO0.5), over the entire life cycle from well-to-wake).
– EEDI reduction exceeds the IMO Phase 3 EEDI requirement by 10% or more.

The key changes to the programme are as follows:

(i) Addition of 30% port dues reduction for the use of zero carbon fuel in the Port of Singapore

(ii) 25% port dues reduction will no longer apply to ocean-going vessels that do not exceed IMO Phase 3 EEDI requirement by 10% or more.

(iii) 25% port dues reduction will now apply to use of low carbon fuels in addition to LNG.

(iv) Additional 10% port dues reduction is now expanded to cover qualifying GPP registered vessels that are serviced by low or zero carbon fuelled MPA licensed harbour craft during their port stay.

To participate in the GPP, shipowners/charterers should ensure that their vessels are pre-registered under the GPP (via digitalPORT@SGTM) prior to calling at the Port of Singapore.

For every arrival call to the Port of Singapore, the vessel shall declare in the Pre-Arrival Notification form (“PAN”) whether she will be participating in the GPP. Users can download the latest version of PAN from

All existing ocean-going vessels registered under the GPP that do not fulfil the new requirements will be removed from the existing listing from 1 May 2022.

For shipowners/charterers that wish to opt out of the GPP can do so via digitalPORT@SGTM – refer to Annex I for steps for de-registration from the GPP.

Participants in the GPP should note the following terms and conditions:

  1. The GPP is only valid for vessel calling the Port of Singapore.
  2. To qualify for the 30% reduction in port dues (throughout entire port stay of 4 days or less), the following must be adhered to:
    1. Vessels using zero carbon fuel should initiate the switch to zero carbon fuel for the main engine and auxiliary engine before entering Singapore Port Limits. The use of zero carbon fuel should be maintained throughout the port stay to qualify for the concession. The switch over from zero carbon fuel should only be initiated after leaving Singapore Port Limits. Vessels should maintain the information for at least one year from the date of declaration. Copies of supporting documents such as the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP)/ Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) certificates, daily consumption record, relevant bunker delivery note(s), engine records and ISCC certification shall be made available to MPA upon request.
  3. To qualify for the 25% reduction in port dues (throughout entire port stay of 4 days or less), either of the following must be adhered to:
    1. Vessels exceeding IMO Phase 3 Energy Efficiency Design Index (“IMO Phase 3 EEDI”) requirement by 10% or more. Supporting documents demonstrating that the vessel exceeds IMO Phase 3 EEDI requirement by 10% or more should be kept for a period of at least one year from the date of declaration and made available to MPA upon request;
    2. Vessels using low carbon fuel should initiate the switch to low carbon fuel for the main engine and auxiliary engine before entering Singapore Port Limits. The use of low carbon fuel should be maintained throughout the port stay to qualify for the concession. The switch over from low carbon fuel should only be initiated after leaving Singapore Port Limits. Vessels should maintain the information for at least one year from the date of declaration. Copies of supporting documents such as the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP)/ Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) certificates, daily consumption record, relevant bunker delivery note(s), engine records and ISCC certification shall be made available to MPA upon request.
  4. To qualify for the additional 10% reduction in port dues for vessels engaging the service of low or zero carbon fuelled MPA licensed harbour craft, the following conditions apply:
    1. Applicable only to GPP-registered vessels that engage a low or zero carbon fuelled harbour craft for port operations.
    2. The low or zero carbon fuelled harbour craft operators are required to make daily declarations to verify that they serviced the respective GPP registered vessels. The declaration can be made through digitalPORT@SGTM’s “Service information system for declaration (by low or zero carbon fuelled harbour craft owners and operators)”.
    3. The low or zero carbon fuelled harbour craft operators serving the GPP vessels are required to register to the “Service Information System for Declarations” via MPA’s digitalPORT@SGTM platform.
      d) The port dues concession is capped at 10% regardless of the numbers or frequency the GPP-registered vessel is serviced by low or zero carbon fuelled harbour craft during each port stay.
  5. Vessels under the current annual port dues scheme may participate and enjoy the port dues reduction of 30% or 25% for entire port stay of 4 days or less. The GPP port dues reduction is valid in addition to any other concessions enjoyed by the vessels.
Port Marine Circular No.10 of 2022 – Download here

Source: MPA