SLPHA Updates on AIS & IMO 2020 Fuel Regulations


Sierra Leone Ports & Harbours Authority (SLPHA) has issued the latest Automatic Identification System (AIS) policy, reports North Standard.

SLPHA Updates on AIS and Fuel Regulations

The IMO Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Regulation V/19.2.4 requires all vessels of 300 GT and above engaged on international voyages and all passenger’ ships, irrespective of size to carry AIS onboard.

The Authority had noted with dismay that some vessels operating within the Pilotage district of Sierra Leone, deliberately switched off their AIS, while others upload incorrect information that could cause a fatal maritime accident.

The SLPHA hereby informs all vessels operating within Sierra Leonean waters of their obligation to Regulation V/19 of the SOLAS convention. Therefore any failure by any Vessel to abide by the above instruction would leave the Authority with the option but to institute a fine or initiate legal action against the said defaulters.

Sierra Leone Ports & Harbours Authority (SLPHA) latest notification on IMO 2020 testing commencement

IMO 2020 testing will commence on October 1, 2024.

In accordance with this regulation, all vessels arriving in the country will have fuel samples collected from each vessel upon arrival.

There will be two separate tests on all vessels calling at various ports in Sierra Leone:

  • Test on the running fuel
  • Test on the stored fuel

These tests will be conducted for a cost fee of $500 per test.

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Source: North Standard