SOLAS: Damage Stability Regulations Finalized


Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) – Draft Revised Explanatory Notes to SOLAS chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations finalized


The Sub-Committee finalized draft Revised Explanatory Notes to the SOLAS chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations. These notes are intended to provide detailed guidance on the application of individual SOLAS chapter II-1 regulations.

The draft Revised Explanatory Notes will be submitted to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) for adoption, in conjunction with the revised and updated draft SOLAS chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations emanating from a substantive review of SOLAS chapter II-1. The review has focused, in particular, on those regulations related to passenger ships, covering stability information to the master; watertight integrity; periodic operation and inspection of watertight doors in passenger ships; survivability of passenger ships; and prevention and control of water ingress.

Draft Interim guidelines for Fibre Reinforced Plastic elements agreed

Draft Interim guidelines for use of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) elements within ship structures were agreed by the Sub-Committee, for submission to MSC 98 for approval.

The Interim guidelines are intended to ensure that a consistent approach is taken with regard to standards of fire safety of ships making use of FRP elements in their structures and that the level of fire safety afforded by the provisions of SOLAS chapter II-2 is maintained. The Interim guidelines will be reviewed within four years after approval, based on experience gained in their use.

Safe mooring – correspondence group re-established to finalize the work

The Sub-Committee continued the work on the revised SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 and associated guidelines (MSC.1/Circ.1175) and new guidelines for safe mooring operations for all ships.

The correspondence group was re-established to undertake the work intersessionally, with a view to finalizing the draft guidelines on design arrangements and selection of equipment for safe mooring, for consideration at the next session.

Development of mandatory standards for the carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel
The Sub-Committee commenced its work in relation to the development of a mandatory instrument for the carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages.

The aim is to ensure the safe and efficient transfer of technicians at sea, such as those working in the growing offshore alternative energy sector.

A correspondence group was established, to develop the draft new SOLAS chapter and the draft new Code, taking into account the relevant aspects of the existing IMO regulatory framework and the definitions and application provisions adopted by MSC 97, i.e. the Interim Recommendations on the safe carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages (resolution MSC.418(97)).

Enhancement of graphical symbols for damage control plans for passenger ships
The Sub-Committee finalized and endorsed draft amendments to section 3 of the Guidelines for damage control plans and information to the Master (MSC.1/Circ.1245), specifying the information to be taken into account, when preparing damage control plans of passenger ships. The guidelines also recommend the alignment of graphical symbols for fittings and equipment which are common in both fire and damage control plans. The draft guidelines will be submitted to MSC 98 for approval.

Draft SOLAS amendments on computerized stability support for the master in case of flooding for existing passenger ships agreed

The Sub-Committee agreed draft amendments to SOLAS to extend, to existing passenger ships, the requirement for provision of operational information to the Master for safe return to port after a flooding casualty.

The draft amendments to regulations II-1/1 and II-1/8-1.3 for existing passenger ships (i.e. constructed before 1 January 2014) will be forwarded to the MSC 98 for approval, with a view to subsequent adoption at MSC 99.

The Sub-Committee also progressed the development of the related draft Guidelines on stability computers and shore-based support for existing passenger ships, with a view to their finalization at the next session.

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Source: International Maritime Organization (IMO)