Eni interrupts its legal action and opens discussions on its decarbonization strategy, says an article on Transport environment.
Expressing Solidarity
“We want to express our full solidarity with Greenpeace and Re Common for the action that ENI , with a lawsuit for damages for defamation , has decided to bring against them. An oil & gas multinational, capable of accumulating revenues of over 130 billion in the last year, the result of activities that in most cases bear a serious climate footprint, should find other ways to compete with civil society, even with the criticisms more severe than that world can come to her…” With these words, the organizations Cittadini per l’Aria, Clean Cities Campaign, Ecco Think Tank , Legambiente, Sbilanciamoci!Transport & Environment Italia, Valori and WWF Italia commented on the news of the request for compensation for damages made by ENI to Greenpeace and Re Common , in response to the climate litigation – the first in Italy against a private company.
Energy Transition
“ENI is an Italian industrial giant. As such, the issue of energy transition must be addressed with greater responsibility, credibility and urgency. A substantial part of the country’s industrial future is linked to its strategies: also for this reason it cannot surrender to a “fossil” strategy, barely veiled by a thin patina of “green”. ENI has enormous climate and environmental responsibilities, as well as energy and industrial ones: accept an open and transparent confrontation with those who criticize it, including Greenpeace and Re Common, and show credible decarbonisation plans”, added the forces of civil society that support this appeal. The signatory organizations hope that this episode will also be the subject of political debate: of assumption of responsibility by the government and attention by the opposition.
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Source: Transportenvironment