Stena To Make Port of Gothenberg Fossil-free


Stena Line joins forces with transport giants to make Scandinavia’s largest port fossil-free, says a press release published on their website.

Cut emissions by 70%

Stena Line, Volvo Group, Scania and the Port of Gothenburg have joined forces in an effort to speed up the transition to fossil-free fuels in the transport sector. 

The aim is to cut emissions by 70 per cent by 2030 and to bring a significant reduction in carbon emissions linked to the largest port in Scandinavia. 

Facing climate challenges

Trade and freight transport are vital to expand public welfare and to ensure function and development of society. At the same time, the transport sector is a highly complex system, involving different modes of transport and organisations collectively facing big climate challenges.

Collaboration is crucial 

“No single organisation or individual holds the key to meeting the challenges ahead of us. Collaboration is crucial and we are pleased to bring on board two of the world’s largest truck manufacturers and the world’s largest ferry company. With our collective expertise, breadth, and market presence we can make a real difference,” said Elvir Dzanic, Gothenburg Port Authority chief executive.

About “Tranzero Initiative”

The focus

Named the “Tranzero Initiative”, this venture is focused on the one million truck transports and the 55,000 tonnes of carbon emissions generated from road transports to and from the Port of Gothenburg each year. The Initiative also includes electrification of sea transport.

Introduction of interlinked measures 

The companies involved will introduce a series of interlinked measures designed to accelerate the switch to fossil-free fuels. 

This task has already commenced with a needs analysis and mapping of freight flows as part of the commitment to offering the market the right products and establishing a fossil-free fuel infrastructure to support this development.

Role of partners

Gothenburg Port Authority 

Gothenburg Port Authority will produce the necessary infrastructure and access to fossil-free fuels for heavy vehicles, including electric power, HVO, biogas, and hydrogen gas. 

Volvo and Scania 

Volvo and Scania will put commercial offerings in place for their heavy truck customers, ensuring that in time land transport becomes fossil free in accordance with the goals laid down by the port. 

Stena Line 

Stena Line will also have a key role to play by ensuring new fossil-free vessels are brought into service on the Gothenburg-Frederikshavn route by 2030, moving from vision to reality with its battery-powered vessel concept Stena Elektra.

Battery powered  vessel

Niclas Mårtensson, CEO Stena Line Group and member of the Swedish Government Electrification Commission said, “We now move from vision to vessel with the battery powered vessel Stena Elektra. Within a year we will present the outline specifications and at the latest by 2025 we plan to order the first vessel. This will be a huge step towards fossil free shipping.”

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Source: StenaLine