Strengthening Africa-Europe Ocean Partnerships


On October 10, 2024, the Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group presented a pivotal report outlining how Africa and Europe can enhance their collaboration on ocean-related issues. Established by the European Commission in partnership with the African Union Commission, the group is managed by the Africa-Europe Foundation, with funding from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). This report, presented by the European Commission, highlights the critical need for greater attention to ocean governance within the Africa-Europe partnership, especially considering the importance of oceans to the global environment and the lives of millions across both continents.

The Need for Ocean Governance in Africa-Europe Partnership

The report emerges from a growing realization that ocean governance has been inadequately addressed in the Africa-Europe Partnership, despite the ocean’s significance in sustaining the planet. Both the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) have long acknowledged the urgent need for coordinated global action to address oceanic issues. This report comes at a critical time as the international community engages in significant global initiatives, such as the ratification of the BBNJ Agreement, negotiations for the WTO fisheries subsidies Agreement, and discussions for a Global Plastics Treaty.

Opportunities Ahead for Africa-Europe Cooperation

As the world approaches key milestones like the UNFCCC CoP 29, the 7th AU-EU Summit, and the 3rd UN Ocean Conference, the report emphasizes that Africa and Europe have a unique opportunity to strengthen their cooperation on ocean governance. Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Maroš Šefčovič, welcomed the report, acknowledging the urgency for joint action and reaffirming that both continents bear a shared responsibility to meet the ocean-related targets of the UN 2030 Agenda.

A Vision for Enhanced Cooperation

The report outlines a vision for an Africa-Europe Ocean Partnership that could enhance cooperation between the African Union and the European Union. Such a partnership would aim to foster greater mutual understanding and alignment of ocean-related priorities between the two regions. It would also facilitate the exchange of indigenous and modern knowledge, alongside cutting-edge technologies, to address shared ocean challenges. Furthermore, it seeks to increase collective international momentum for improved ocean governance.

Roadmap for Enhanced Partnership

To support this collaborative vision, the Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group developed an action plan known as the “Roadmap for an Enhanced Africa-Europe Ocean Partnership.” This roadmap identifies key areas for cooperation, including ocean governance, capacity-sharing, and finance and investment. Within these areas, 17 main actions have been prioritized, each broken down into over 100 concrete activities.

Next Steps for Implementation

The European Commission will now evaluate the recommendations proposed by the Strategic Group to determine which activities can be integrated into its 2025 work program and beyond. This report aligns with EU President-elect Ursula von der Leyen’s call for a renewed impetus in the EU-Africa partnership, as the two regions prepare for the upcoming 2025 EU-AU Summit.

Background of the Strategic Group’s Formation

The report is the culmination of efforts that began in 2019, when the European Commission announced a new strategy to strengthen the partnership between Africa and Europe, with a specific focus on ocean governance. This led to a study assessing the feasibility of establishing an EU-Africa “blue” task force. Following extensive consultations with stakeholders across both continents, the Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group was officially formed in 2023, co-chaired by Pascal Lamy of France and Ambassador Nancy Karigithu of Kenya.

Under their leadership, the group developed a shared vision and concrete plan for enhanced cooperation on ocean issues, building on input from numerous events and awareness-raising activities. Through its partnership with the Africa-Europe Foundation, the group’s work reflects a collective commitment to strengthening ocean governance between Africa and Europe.


The Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group’s report offers a critical blueprint for deepening collaboration on ocean-related challenges between Africa and Europe. With a clear roadmap and action plan in place, both continents have the opportunity to work together to tackle urgent ocean governance issues and contribute to the broader global efforts to protect and sustain the world’s oceans for future generations.


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Source: European Commission