Sub-Commission on Ships Systems and Equipment of the IMO (SSE 9)

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The Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 9) of the IMO held its 9th session from 27 February to 3 March 2023. In order to reduce the likelihood and effects of fires on Ro-Ro passenger ships and to mandate ventilation for completely enclosed lifeboats, SSE 9 finalised the draught of new SOLAS requirements. The draught of the new interim rules on the safe operation of onshore power supply services in ports was agreed upon, and the Code of Safety for Diving Systems has been revised to improve the safety of divers in fixed and portable diving systems.

Meeting highlights

  • Finalized draft amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-2 related to fire safety on Ro-Ro passenger ships
  • Finalized draft amendments to the LSA Code and related IMO instruments to require ventilation of totally enclosed lifeboats
  • Finalized the draft of the revised Code of Safety for Diving Systems
  • Finalized the draft of interim guidelines on the safe operation of onshore power supply (OPS) service in ports
  • Agreed on draft amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-2 to require fire detection and fire alarm systems for all control stations and cargo control rooms on cargo ships

Read the full article here.


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Source: DNV