Suez Canal: Frequently Used Toll Rebate Schemes



Eligible rebates: All vessels travelling long haul Suezvoyages or transiting the canal for repair or maintenance in SCA Shipyards.

1. The long haul rebate system(Circular 4/2013)

On a case-by-case basis.

2. Ships transiting the canal for repair or maintenance in SCA Shipyards or its affiliated companies will be exempt from transit tolls.


Rebates eligible for: Container ships coming from UntitledNorfolk port/ports north of Norfolk with destination Port Kelang and its eastern ports or Ports of Colombo and its eastern ports

Container ships (Circular 2/2016)

  • Containerships coming from ports north of Norfolk (and port Norfolk itself) with destination Port Kelang and its eastern ports, shall be granted 45% rebate on the toll.
  • Containerships coming from ports south of Norfolk with destination Port Kelang and its eastern ports, shall be granted 65% rebate on the toll.
  • Containerships coming from ports south of Norfolk with destination Ports of Colombo and its eastern ports shall be granted 55% rebate.


Rebates eligible for: Selected tankers using s1Sumed pipeline, VLCCs onspecified voyages 



1. Co-operation with SUMED pipeline and STS Lightering in Sidi Krir (Relevant circulars)

  • SCA allowed super tankers to transit SC partially loaded after lightering part of their cargo through SUMED pipeline.
  • Tolls of USD 0.63 shall be levied on each metric ton of crude oil cargo.
  • Crude oil cargo carried by the tanker shall be calculated by deducting the volume discharged at SUMED from the total cargo indicated in the cargo manifest and the bill of lading.
  • The minimum transit dues for a laden northbound trip are US$ 130000.
  • VLCCs (loaded in Algeria and in Mediterranean ports west of Algeria, as well as the North Sea and North West Europe) that lightering part of their cargos into medium size tankers at Sidi Krair, whereby the two tankers can transit the Suez Canal southbound .
  • A charge of US$ 0.70 per each ton of crude oil on both tankers ( the VLCC and the lighter vessel ) shall be levied, with a minimum charge of US$ 200.000 for the trip when the World Scale Rate for the VLCC contract is 35 points or less .
  • If the World Scale Rate is above 35 points the transit dues shall be increased by an extra US$ 0.05 ( five cents ) for each ton of crude oil against each extra point .
  • Charges for escort tugboats and other charges shall be applied as per the Suez Canal Rules of Navigation and relevant circulars.
  • The lighter vessel shall be exempted from transit dues on its northbound return trip provided it is Ballast and the return trip is made right after the discharge operation at Sukhna Port and within ten days of its loaded trip.

2. VLCCs in ballast of 200,000 DWT and above coming from Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and North Coast of South America (Circular No. 4/2016)

A 45% reduction from the applicable SC transit tolls excluding other services dues shall be offered to VLCC’s – in ballast of 200,000 DWT and above, coming from the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and the North Coast of South America

3. VLCC (Circular 3/2016)

  • VLCC of 250,000TS DWT coming from Arabian Gulf heading to American gulf or the Caribbean zone on their round trip to transit the Suez canal after discharging part of their cargo in SUMED line. Any VLCC doing laden northbound is to pay a lumpsum of USD 155.000 including charges of tugs, charges for arrival after limit time and charges for booking in the convoy. A VLCC is to pay a lumpsum of USD 230.000 on her return southbound ballast trip including charges of tugs, charges for arrival after limit time and charges for booking in the convoy.
  • A round trip through Suez canal will incur USD 385.000 as all inclusive Suez canal tolls. This circular takes effect as of 16th June 2016 for an experimental period of 6 months (180 days) to be renewed.


Eligible rebates: Dry bulk carriers completing s2roundtrips from  East Coast of Americas or Caribbean zone or wheat vessels with final destination Aqaba Port


1. Dry bulk carriers completing roundtrips from East Coast of Americas or the Caribbean zone (Circular 6/2014)

A rebate of 35% of transit tolls on the round trip for dry bulk Carriers shall be applied for ships working between ports of East Coast of the Americas and the Caribbean, heading to (or coming from) ports of Indian Subcontinent and Asian countries located East of India.


Eligible rebates: 25% rebate on transit tolls for s3all LNG carriers, with additional rebate incentives based on cargo quantities  


  1. 25% rebate on transit tolls for LNG Carriers.
  2. Cargo incentive rebate policy (Circular 3/2011)
  • 5% on transit tolls for quantities exceeding 1 million Ton up to 3 million Ton (LNG tankers only)
  • 10% on transit tolls for quantities exceeding 3 million Ton up to 5 million Ton (LNG tankers only)
  • 15% on transit tolls for quantities exceeding 5 million Ton (LNG tankers only)


Eligible rebates: Up to 50% on transit tolls for s4Cruise Vessels calling on Egyptian ports in the Red Sea or Mediterranean Sea.


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Source: Wilhelmsen