Suez Canal Responds To Distress Call From Listing Vessel


The Suez Canal Authority is reporting that it responded to a distress call from a small cargo ship that was waiting off the northern terminus of the canal, reports the Maritime Executive.

Suez Canal responds to distress call

The vessel lost stability this morning, April 23, and was listing causing a concern that it would capsize. The vessel (3,000 tons) was due to transit the canal to the southern Egyptian port of Adabiya.

The ship which is registered in Tanzania and 308 feet (94 meters) was seen with an increasing list to starboard. Two Suez Canal tugs and another vessel were sent to its aid and to ensure the safety of the 12 crewmembers aboard.

The Suez Canal Authority reports the situation began before the vessel joined the northern convoy to begin the transit.

The vessel remains at anchor near Port Said with the Suez Canal Authority reporting a technical assessment is underway to determine the cause of the list and ensure the safety of the crew. They are also monitoring for possible pollution from the vessel.

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Source: The Maritime Executive