Sumitomo Agreements Corvus Energy In A ESS Joint Venture


  • Sumitomo Corporation agreements with Corvus Energy in a joint venture.
  • The joint venture named “Sumisho Corvus Energy”  is established as a company to sell ESS and provide the related maintenance service mainly in the Japanese market.

According to an article published in Sumitomo Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer: Masayuki Hyodo) concluded an agreement with Corvus Energy Holdings AS (hereinafter, “Corvus Energy”), a Norwegian supplier of energy storage systems for Marine industry, in order to establish a joint venture named “Sumisho Corvus Energy Co., Ltd.” (hereinafter, “Sumisho Corvus Energy”) as a company to sell ESS and provide the related maintenance service mainly in the Japanese market.

ESS Working for IMO Targets

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), which is a specialized agency of the United Nations, adopted its strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships in 2018, in which it set the following numerical targets: relative to the 2008 level, improve the average fuel efficiency of ships engaged in international shipping by 40% by 2030 and reduce their total annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by half by 2050. In response, the shipbuilding and shipping industries are required to replace their fuels with more environment-friendly alternatives and to introduce equipment that helps reduce their GHG emissions. ESS is expected to improve the fuel efficiency of large ocean-going ships in combination with existing fuels, such as heavy oil and gas, and with next-generation fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen, and also to contribute to zero GHG emissions as a power source for small fully electric coastal ships.

Corvus Energy’s Contribution to ESS

As its strong point, Corvus Energy is capable of developing ESS for a range of maritime applications, including for use in port and harbor equipment as well as for use in various ship types including container and cruise ships. The company has already provided its ESS for 400 or more projects, and the total operation hours of the supplied ESS have already exceeded 3 million hours. In 2020, Corvus Energy excessed an over 50% share in the world market of ESS for maritime applications.

Joint Venture Initiative

Sumitomo Corporation and Corvus Energy have been conducting market research and sales promotion activities in Japan and in the Asian region since 2019. The newly established joint venture Sumisho Corvus Energy will sell Corvus Energy-made ESS and also provide technical support to customers. The company will conduct sales activities targeting both coastal and ocean-going ships by making use of Sumitomo Corporation’s customer network built through its ship-trading and ship-owning businesses.

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Source : Sumitomo Corporation