Sunken Ship Poses Risk To Ships


  • A sunken ship off the district of Çeşme in İzmir province in western Anatolia poses a risk to ships sailing towards the İzmir Gulf.
  • The ship pole is only 40 centimeters below the water surface and the route is frequented by luxurious yachts, fishermen and recreational crafts.
  • Giada, Montem and Monem are a few of the vessels which met with accident in this route.

The locals claim that a sunken ship off the district of Çeşme in İzmir province in western Anatolia poses a risk to ships sailing towards the İzmir Gulf, reports an article published in Hurriyet Daily News.

Safety measures to be taken

A local yacht owner Bülent Karaalp, said that precautions are to be taken to prevent further disasters. The ship pole is only 40 centimeters below the water surface and this route is used by luxurious yachts, fishermen and recreational crafts.


A yacht with six on board, including the captain, hit the pole of the sunken ship On July 7. The yacht named “Giada” started taking in water, leading the captain to notify the coastguard and requiring a rescue. The coastguard then pulled the yacht to the Çeşme Marina for examination and repairs.


The 75-meter-long ship, named “Monem,” sank off Alev Island in 2004 as it was being towed toward the Port of Aliağa and remains there to this day.


Karaalp said that the “Montem” sunken ship stands at an 18-meter depth, but its pole is only 40 centimeters below the water surface and is not visible from outside the water.

He added that radars can be misleading and a radar deviation of 20 to 30 meters means a disaster.

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Source: Hurriyet Daily News