Synergy Collects 20,000 Teu Boxship


  • Imabari Shipyard in Japan has taken the delivery of its newbuild ULCV ‘The Ever Gifted’.
  • The ULVC s powered by a fuel-optimised MAN B&W 11-cylinder G95ME engine.
  • It is the highest capacity container ship currently in service and also efficient, and environment-friendly.

On January 15, Singapore-based ship operator Synergy Group has taken delivery of a 199,489 dwt newbuild Ultra Large Container Vessel.

Vessel specs

The Singapore-flagged 199,489 dwt ‘Ever Gifted’ has an overall length (L.O.A) of 399.98 metres, a beam of 58.8 metres, a total capacity of 20,388 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) and 1,300 reefer points.

The vessel is powered by a fuel-optimised MAN B&W 11-cylinder G95ME engine, Ever Gifted has a service speed of 23.2 knots.

A second ULCV, the Ever Grade, is scheduled to be delivered on 15 January.

High capacity and environmental friendly

Captain Rajesh Unni, CEO and Founder of the Synergy Group, commented that the ‘Ever Gifted’ is one of the highest capacity container ships currently in service. It is also one of the most efficient, enviro-friendly and impressive vessels deployed across Evergreen’s service network. It offers fuel-efficient head-haul options and slow steaming variations on backhauls.

New drydock

The Motorship previously reported that Imabari commissioned a new drydock, No3, at Marugame in early 2018. The drydock extended the company’s scope to ultra-large containerships of 20,000TEU, and other major tonnages such as VLCCs, very large ore carriers (VLOCs), and LNG tankers.

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Source: The Motorship