TABLE-LNG Tankers Heading To Britain, Belgium and The Netherlands


The following liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers are expected to arrive in Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands in the coming weeks. Estimated arrival dates, often revised by port authorities and AIS Live ship-tracking data on Refinitiv Eikon, are updated below,says an article published in Reuters.

Methane julia

Some tankers heading for Belgium and Britain may be loading at the terminal. Those expected to load are indicated with an (L). Those likely to perform ship-to-ship transfers are indicated with (STS). Tankers that have docked are indicated with (A).

For the Reuters LNG guide, click here: LNG TANKER CAPACITY in EXPECTED ARRIVAL FROM PORT cubic metres BRITAIN Al Kharsaah 213,000 May 30 (A) Qatar South Hook Bilbao Knutsen 136,000 May 31 (A) Peru Dragon Al Samriya 258,000 June 2 Qatar South Hook

Gaslog Warsaw 176,000 June 6 United States Milford Haven Methane Julia Louise 168,000 June 7 Peru Dragon Al Mayeda 262,000 June 8 Qatar Milford Haven Al Bahiya 206,000 June 11 Qatar Milford Haven Transgas Power 174,000 June 13 United States Isle of Grain Methane Becki Anne 170,000 July 11 Peru Milford Haven BELGIUM Al Ghariya 210,000 May 30 (A) Qatar Zeebrugge Clean Planet 159,000 May 31 (L)(STS) France Zeebrugge Nikolay

Zubov 173,000 May 31 (STS) Russia Zeebrugge Celsius Copenhagen 180,000 June 2 United States Zeebrugge Christophe De Margerie 170,000 June 3 Russia Zeebrugge Golar Snow 155,000 June 4 Qatar Zeebrugge Hoegh Gannet 170,000 June 7 United States Zeebrugge Al Rekayyat 212,000 June 10 Qatar Zeebrugge Golar Crystal 160,000 June 26

France Zeebrugge NETHERLANDS Magdala 173,000 May 30 (A) United States Gate Diamond Gas Victoria 174,000 June 2 United States Gate Sonangol Sambizanga 156,000 June 16 Angola Gate Sources: Ports, AIS Live ship tracking, Refinitiv Eikon data.

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