Taylor Swift’s New Africa Video is Too White



The director of Taylor Swift’s ‘The video for Wildest Dreams’ had been accused of a “white colonial fantasy of Africa”.  But director Joseph Kahn has said it “is not a video about colonialism but a love story on the set of a period film crew in Africa, 1950”.  He denied that the video only includes white people.

He is an Asian -American while the producer Jill Hardin and editor Chancler Haynes are African Americans.  There are many black Africans in a number of shots, but the vast majority of screen time is Taylor and Scott (Eastwood).  They resisted the temptation to include more black actors as it would have been historically inaccurate and the video would have been accused of rewriting history.  He asserted that “The reality is there are people of colour in the video, but the key creatives who worked on this video are people of colour.”

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