Technical Glitch in NHS App Ruined People’s Travel Plans



  • The NHS Covid Pass service was temporarily unavailable between 11.45 and 15.15 today as a result of a technical issue
  • Travellers reported were barred from flights and stuck abroad

Passengers have been left stranded at airports after the NHS app went down, leaving them without access to vaccine passports, reports The Telegraph.

Why did the NHS app crash?

Following the outage, a spokesman for NHS Digital said: “The NHS Covid Pass service was temporarily unavailable between 11.45 and 15.15 today as a result of a technical issue with a global service provider that affected many different organisations”.  

“Following an urgent investigation, this has been fixed and Covid Passes are available both via the NHS app and online.”

The NHS app outage comes after Scotland’s newly launched vaccine passport was hit by technical glitches earlier this month, meaning people were not able to register their details on it.


Travelers reported being barred from flights and stuck abroad after the app crashed for around four hours on Wednesday.

The outage meant people were unable to load their Covid pass, proving they have had their vaccine shots, which is needed for travel abroad.

About the COVID passes

The NHS app has gained more than 10 million new users in recent months after it became the platform for accessing Covid passes, which show proof of vaccination status and are required for international travel.

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Source: The Telegraph