Telemar Enhances Safety For Ignazio Messina’s Fleet


Telemar, a provider of smart maintenance and remote access technologies, has entered into an agreement with Genoa-based shipping company Ignazio Messina & C. Spa to enhance safety services on seven of its vessels source Container News

GMDSS Deployment

As part of the Marlink Group, Telemar will deploy and manage the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) on the seven container ships.

The vessels included in the agreement are Jolly Argento, Jolly Oro, Jolly Rosa, Jolly Giada, Jolly Clivia, Jolly Verde and Jolly Bianco, which joined the Messina fleet between August 2023 and April 2024. These installations will bolster Messina’s liner services across the Mediterranean, Middle East, Indian, African, and European markets.

Additional Responsibilities

Telemar will also handle the management and maintenance of the radio and navigation equipment on board, providing high-level assistance and safety.

By consolidating the service of critical bridge navigation equipment under a single provider, the agreement aims to save time and manpower, while reducing the risk of non-compliance. Scheduled services will be planned in advance, rather than conducted on an ‘ad hoc’ basis.

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Source: Container News