Terrible Seattle Crash Kills Four



Several U.S. cities use the amphibious “Ride the Ducks” for tours, that can drive on roads and float on water.  Notably, these vehicles have been involved in multiple fatal accidents.  In Seattle, in Washington state, one such vehicle smashed into the side of the chartered bus filled with foreign university students leaving at least four people dead and several critically injured.  It happened about 11:00 local time (18:00 GMT) on Thursday involving two other smaller vehicles.

The students on the bus were from North Seattle College, the school confirmed, but their nationalities had not yet been ascertained.  A witness saw the duck boat signalled to move left but lurched, and the left front wheel came off.  It then hit a vehicle before colliding with the bus.  Fifty-one people were taken to hospitals, including 12 with critical injuries, according to fire department officials.

 In 2010, two people died when one such “Ride the Ducks” collided with a barge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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