The Art of Writing a Perfect E-mail


E-mail has come to stay, if you like it or not, especially in the business world.  The business e-mail traffic accounts for 55% of all emails sent in 2014.  It is high time that we perfect the art of sending effective emails.


Harvard Business Review has come up with a guide to write better emails.

  • Don’t use emojis in the subject line that confuses the reader.
  • Subject lines should be concise and descriptive, highlighting the action needed.
  • Use clean, easy-to-read fonts such as Arial, Helvetica and Verdana in a dark colour.
  • Don’t use more than three fonts in an e-mail.
  • Don’t use emojis unless the recipient uses.
  • Typos are tolerable but don’t make intentional typos.
  • Capitalise ‘I’ and take care of punctuation.
  • Let not the e-mail go beyond a page.
  • Use paragraph breaks and message should be precise and clear.
  • Think thrice before clicking the send button.  Will the recipient welcome it?  Am I indiscreet by blind copying to so many?

Finally written messages can backfire if there is a conflict or bad news that can be misinterpreted.  Best bet is to talk over the phone or Skype.

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