The HLV of Jumbo Maritime Completes Its Atlantic Biofuel Cruise


The Dutch company Jumbo Maritime, which specializes in offshore transport and installation, has disclosed that its heavy lift vessel (HLV) Jumbo Jubilee has just returned from a transatlantic trip to and around the USA, primarily propelled by biofuel.

Harmful emissions

According to what is known, the ship refueled with biofuels in the Port of Rotterdam. Before sailing across the Atlantic, three Liebherr cranes had been loaded onto the ship.

A fleet of 30 heavy lift vessels with lifting capacities ranging from 400 to 3,000 tonnes is operated by Jumbo Maritime and SAL Heavy Lift.

The Jumbo-SAL-Alliance provides transportation services for both smaller, lighter commodities and massive, heavy items of equipment requiring maximal lifting capacity and outreach.

The ship had to pass into Boston during ebb tide and various bridge passes along the way required vital aircraft. With a view to reducing harmful emissions, the company selected biofuel from GoodFuels.


Biofuel is anticipated to reduce CO2 emissions by 80–90% when compared to equivalents of fossil fuels.

The company said that using biofuels in US ECAs will result in fewer bunker calls on that side of the Atlantic, saving both time and money.

Three disassembled cranes were hidden below deck and transferred to Rio Haina, Dominican Republic, while the two cranes on deck were carefully loaded and discharged in a twin lift and now have been brought to Boston and Port Hueneme in the United States. The combined weight of the three cranes was about 400 tonnes.

A recognized possibility for decarbonizing the maritime industry is biofuel. French classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) has introduced a new “biofuel ready” notation to aid the industry’s expanded use of biofuel. According to BV, this notation will provide requirements to assure ship safety and environmental compliance, assisting the maritime industry in addressing the primary issues associated with the use of biofuels by ships.

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Source: Offshore Energy