The Third of  “Cap San” Series in Korea



On September 16, 2015, at the yard of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME) in Okpo, South Korea, the “Cap San Vincent”  the most recent vessel of an identical group of sister ships, “Cap San Juan” and “Cap San Lazaro” has become part of the latest generation of the largest vessels in the Hamburg Süd fleet. The customers and business partners of Hamburg Süda attended the christening celebrations. The sponsor of the “Cap San Vincent” is Susanne Neiro from K+S Transport (Kali + Salz).

Physical features of the “Cap San Vincent” :

Overall length : 331 metres
Width : 49.4 metres
Container slot capacity : 10,600 TEU
Reefer capacity : 1,000 plugs

The new ship is meant to carry  products of the Korean automobile industry, household appliances and other electronic merchandise to Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.  On the return leg it will bring  from South America to Asia the agricultural produce and mineral raw materials.  The ship will be phased into the Asia-South America East Coast Service in late September.  Dr Arnt Vespermann, Member of the Executive Board of Hamburg Süd, underlined  further growth opportunities for Hamburg Süd in Korea by expanding  liner network in the region and using the port of Busan as a gateway for cargo from and to Korea and as a central hub port.

Technical data of the “Cap San Vincent”:

  • Capacity 122,000 t
  • Container slot capacity 10,600 TEU
  • Reefer slots 1,000
  • Length overall 331.00 m
  • Length between perpendiculars 315.30 m
  • Width 48.40 m
  • Draught max. 14.00 m
  • Speed 21 kn
  • Main engine output 40,670 kW

Source: Hamburg Süd Group