These Assumption Will Add Fuel To The Fire


Making assumptions about anything can be dangerous. That’s especially true when it comes to making assumptions about preventing or managing a crisis at companies and organizations, reports Forbes.

No Crisis Today, No Crisis Tomorrow

A crisis can happen anywhere, anytime, to any company and for any reason. The more unprepared you are to deal with a crisis, the worse it will be when, not if, it happens.

No Plan Needed

Every organization, no matter how large or small or what industry or profession, needs a plan. Otherwise, they will waste valuable time when a crisis does strike trying to decide what to do, how to do it, when it do it, who will do it, where it do it and why to do it. And be sure to have different plans for different kinds of crisis situations.

No Updated Plans Required

Crisis plans should be reviewed at least on an annual basis and updated to ensure they reflect new possible crisis situations, changes in the industry and changes in the company’s activities, operations and staff.

Do It Yourself

Managing a crisis should not be left to amateurs. Unless you have received training and have managed a crisis before, do not assume you can manage one all by yourself. And even if you have crisis management experience, you will likely be too busy running your company or organization to devote the time needed to manage a corporate emergency, disaster or scandal.

No Rush

Every second you delay in responding to a crisis can make the crisis worse or help prolong it. The sooner you deal with the crisis, the sooner you can put it behind you.

No Practicing

Every crisis is different, and different types of crises can present their own challenges and difficulties. The more your crisis response teams practice responding to different scenarios, they better they will be prepared to respond to any situation.

Staying Quiet

The failure to immediately disclose your crisis to stakeholders can lead to allegations that you are trying to cover something up, are afraid to tell the truth about the matter or are concerned about the consequences when people learn about the situation.

No Outside Help

No company can possibly have all the staff and other resources they would need to respond to every conceivable crisis situation. But they can identify the areas in which they could need help in a crisis and take steps immediately to make sure those resources will be available as soon as they are needed.

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Source: Forbes