Third Edition Of ‘A Guide To Hull & Machinery’ Released



Braemar SA has released the third edition of  ‘A Guide To Hull & Machinery’ which helps those with a non-technical background and who are possibly unfamiliar with some or all of the nautical and engineering technical terms used in marine survey reports.

A Guide To Hull & Machinery:

  • The first edition was launched in the year 2010 and the second edition in 2012.
  • It acts as a guide to the non-technical people in Marine industry.
  • It reinforces Braemar SA’s commitment to providing technical background knowledge and understanding to marine insurance and other shipping related professionals on some of the common terminology used for ships, their engines and ship-related operations, often encountered in survey reports.

“We have been thrilled with the popularity of the Guide to Hull & Machinery within the wider shipping and marine industry since it was first launched. To keep the guide up to date and relevant we are now publishing our third edition, and we anticipate demand for copies will once again be high”, says Nigel Clark, Managing Director of Braemar SA.

Hard copy of the edition is now available free of cost to those working in the marine claims and marine insurance industry.

Source: Braemar SA