This Japanese methodology will make you an effective Manager!


Are you a Manager – ready to develop performance of your team?  or 

An Employee who looks forward to get organized and efficient at work?


Oh! Not only at work – but also in daily Activity, this Methodology can be used to become extremely organized. There is a huge difference between getting organized and being monotonous. People often get the wrong impression being monotonous and boring with being organized. In fact, being organized is actually FUN. Let’s learn it the Japanese Way.

5S Methodology for Organized Work Space

5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese Words. These defines how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness. Though this methodology was established for  “JUST IN TIME” manufacturing, this can be used and applied in every sphere of a Business Organization.

The 5S are nailed as below: Let me take an example of your Email Inbox to describe the 5S methodologies. The reason why I take email inbox as an example is because most of us work with computers and customer relationships where answering emails become a main task. Thus let us see how one can become effective by using the 5S Methodology.

Seiri    –   Sort

  • Delete unnecessary emails, and dispose them from Trash.
  • Make work easier by eliminating or diverting the emails to the correct person-in charge.
  • Reduce the chance of being disturbed by unnecessary Pop-ups and spam mails.
  • Prevent accumulation of too many emails which require immediate action.

Seiton   –   Systematic Arrangement

  • Can also be translated as “set in order”, “straighten” or “streamline”,
  • Arrange all mails and segregate them,
  • Create an  proper New folders and Name for future reference,
  • Segregation – Avoids loss and waste of time in searching emails,
  • Streamlining – Makes it easy to find and pick up necessary email items,
  • Ensure “first-come-first-served basis” – even in replying emails.

Seiso    –    Shine

  • Can also be translated as “sweep”, “sanitize”, “shine”, or “scrub”,
  • Clean your inbox and action items which you have kept flagged,
  • At the end of the day at work, check whether your flagged important mails are replied and the flags removed and cleared.
  • By this way, these unnecessary flags will not bother you during your next day.
  • If not these flagged mails will gather and does loose the importance of flagged mails.

Seiketsu   –    Standardise

  • Make it a standard practice to move your emails in the corresponding folder,
  • Make it a standard practice to clear all flagged important emails before the end of the work day.

Shitsuke   –    Sustain

  • To keep in working order,
  • Also translates as “do without being told” (though this doesn’t begin with S),
  • Perform regular Inspection of email action items,
  • Train other staffs to follow the same and get organized,
  • Training is goal oriented process. Its resulting feedback is necessary weekly or monthly.

Though the above looks simple, if the same is implemented across any business process – it is highly imperative that the results yielded would be outstanding.

The Success does not only depend on the implementation of the above 5 S methods, but also on a continuous review with feedback on all the above process.

Try this for a day – and let us know your views/opinions on the same. Share it with the world.