Top 10 – Ship Owning Nations – Greece at #1


Greece is the first in the list of ship owning nation by fleet value in 2016.


Vessel Value has listed the Top 10 Shipowning Nations by Value (USD Millions), including the % change difference against 2015.  This valuation is based on vessels in the current fleet and those on order.

Greece tops  the list with $95,287Million. But the stand out winner appears to be Denmark with an over the year increase of 18%.  The value of Denmark has increased from $18.87 billion to $22.97 billion.

Most of the countries have dropped over the year basically due to the slow pace of the economy.  The U.S., which ranked Sixth in the Top Ten Shipowning Nations, had the second highest value tanker fleet, worth $20.34 billion.


Source: Vessel Value