Torm Postpone Some Scrubber Installations Until 2020 Due To Delays


Copenhagen-headquartered products tanker operator Torm, in its latest quarterly report, says it has decided to postpone some scrubber installations to the first and the second quarter of 2020, reports Marine Log.

Scrubber installations

Torm says it expects to install a total of 44 scrubbers and has since the last quarter committed to an additional ten scrubber installations.

The company said, 

  • The new installations support our balanced approach to the new sulfur regulation, according to which approximately half of Torm’s fleet will operate with scrubbers.
  • The recently decided additional scrubber installations will be conducted during the first and the second quarter of 2020.
  • As of November 12, 2019, Torm has conducted 16 scrubber installations. 
  • Of the remaining 28 installations, seven are expected to be conducted in 2019, 12 in the first quarter of 2020 and nine in the second quarter of 2020.

Delays faced in installations

Torm has also experienced some delays in recent scrubber installations like others in the industry and has decided to postpone some installations to the first and the second quarter of 2020 to reduce the risk of further delays, and also to make the most of the current strong market.

Cleaning of Bunker Tanks

Torm says that for its non-scrubber vessels, that will be using compliant fuels with 0.5% sulfur content from January 1, 2020, customized schedules have been developed, and the cleaning of the bunker tanks has been initiated during the third quarter of 2019. 

The first volumes of compliant fuels have been delivered and tested onboard the vessels, and all non-scrubber vessels are in the process of being prepared for using the new compliant fuels during the fourth quarter of 2019.

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Source: Marine Log