Is Touring On A Cruise Ship Cheaper Than Living in London?


Yes! Living On A Cruise Ship Is Economical Than To Live In London


The British capital is constantly ranked as one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in.  The rentals are all beyond reach in London. A U.K. based website in its research about cruise travel reports that it’s cheaper to stay on board cruise ships than to lease an apartment in London, consequent of a day-by-day price breakdown.

Here’s the stat to show how costly London life can be

  • Monthly rent (85m2, furnished) – £2,083
  • Average monthly water bills – £30.58
  • Average monthly energy bills  – £62
  • Average monthly council tax – £78.41
  • Average monthly transport – £128.40
  • Average monthly food shopping – £231.60
  • Average monthly leisure activities  – £257.20
  • Total = £2,871.19
  • Total divided by 30 days = £97.71

Here’s how much you’d be spending on a round-the-world cruise

  • 120-day full-board round-the-world cruise – £8499*
  • 25% single person supplement – £2124.75
  • Total = £10,623.75
  • Total divided by 120 days = £88.53

*Rent average based on data from CBRE Residential. Food and non-alcoholic drink calculation based on typical £58.80 a week household spend, according to data from the Office of National Statistics.  Water bills based on Thames Water monthly average.  Energy bills according to estimate for “small house/flat”.  Council Tax calculation based on £941 a year rate in the City of London.  Transport figure based on £32.10 for a weekly travel card. Leisure activities figures based on data released by ONS.

*Cruise based on 120 days, full-board, round-the-world cruise with Cruise and Maritime Voyages via Prices subject to change.

Before this year, travel deals blogger Jordon Cox presented about the details of his flying from England to Berlin and back relatively for a lesser cost than it cost to take a train within the country and this is not the first time a blogger has pointed out the costly expenses to live in Britain.  A researcher has also discovered in 2015, it is more reasonable for Londoners to telecommute from Spain rather than to live and work in the city.  The furnished data could be the incentive for everyone is looking far and If you’ve been planning to become a “senior nomad”, this data could be the incentive you’ve been looking for.

Source: Cruise Deals