Transport Canada – Fuel Oil Sulphur Content Verification Process



Effective August 22, 2016, Transport Canada Marine Safety Inspectors will verify compliance with the 0.10% sulphur content requirements for fuel oil used on board ships operating within the Canadian jurisdiction of the North American Emission Control Area through on-site fuel sampling and testing.  This more rigorous verification process, if required by the inspector, involves taking in-situ samples of fuel from the engine’s fuel system.  Portable fuel analyzers will then be used on board to measure the sulphur content of the sample.  Depending on the results of the analysis, or if the portable analyzer is not available, the inspector may also forward the sample to an accredited laboratory to confirm compliance with the fuel oil sulphur content requirements.

The Ship Safety Bulletin No. 08/2016, which implements the above verification process, is available at here

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Source: ABS