Tropical Storm Warnings and Port Status Updates


Tropical Storm Warnings

Tropical storm warnings are in effect for western and northern Florida, extending into southern Georgia and coastal South Carolina. These regions are anticipated to experience tropical storm conditions, with sustained winds ranging from 39 to 73 mph, continuing through today.

Port Tampa Bay

Initially, the US Coast Guard (USCG) declared “port condition ZULU” for Port Tampa Bay due to Hurricane Debby, which meant the port was closed to all vessel traffic. This condition is declared when gale-force winds are expected within 12 hours. With the storm now passed, “port condition ZULU” has been lifted, allowing vessel operations to resume, albeit with some restrictions to ensure safety.

Port of Jacksonville

The USCG has set “port condition YANKEE” for Jacksonville, which means the port is now closed for incoming vessel traffic due to prevailing adverse weather conditions.

Port of Fernandina

For the port of Fernandina, located in the northeastern part of Florida, the USCG has set “port condition X-Ray,” allowing the port to remain open for vessel traffic.

Port of Savannah

The Port of Savannah in Georgia has been closed since yesterday evening in anticipation of the storm’s impact.

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