Two Armed Robberies Against Ships in Asia


ReCAAP ISC informed of two incidents of armed robbery against ships in Asia, including one incident to a container ship while anchored off South Harbour Anchorage Area, Manila, Philippines and another one to a bulk carrier while berthed at Haldia Port, India on 13 July, says an article published on their website. 

Incident 1

The first incident involved the Hong Kong-flagged container ship ‘MV Sea Span New York’ on the evening of 4 August. 

While anchored off Quarantine Nr. 12, South Harbour Anchorage area, Manila, Philippines, the ship’s duty crew was at the forward of the ship conducting roving inspection when he noticed from a distant three unidentified persons on board the ship. The three persons were trying to steal the ship’s property at the forecastle, and there were two other unidentified persons in a small boat.

As the duty crew approached them, one person armed with a knife tried to stab the crew who managed to avoid being stabbed. The other two unidentified persons tied the duty crew with a rope on the forecastle deck. 

The unidentified persons broke the padlock of the forecastle and stole two portable welding machines with cables, 20 reefer cables, three bronze nozzles, and five hydrant caps. They went down the ship using a loose rope and escaped.

The duty crew managed to untie himself and reported the incident to the bridge. The general alarm was sounded and crew mustered. All the crew was safe. A roving inspection was subsequently conducted with no further sightings of the unidentified persons onboard the ship. The incident was reported to VTMS Manila.

Incident 2

The second incident involved the Singaporean-flagged bulk carrier ‘Nord Penguin’ in the morning of 13 July. While at berth No. 8, Haldia Port, India, the ship’s 3rd engineer saw empty boxes scattered on the floor in the engine room. He checked the surrounding area and found that the padlock on the entrance door leading to the engine room from poop deck was broken.

The ship crew carried out a search of the stores and ship’s accommodation area, and reported that engine spare parts were missing. The master reported the incident to the flag State, local agent and CSO.

Upon receipt of the information from the flag State, the India Coast Guard (ICG) requested the Indian Coast Guard Station (ICGS) Haldia to verify and investigate the incident in coordination with the port control/local agent. 

The ICG Station Haldia reported that the incident has been registered with Haldia Police Station and investigation by the police authorities at Haldia is ongoing.


  • ReCAAP ISC informed of two incidents of armed robbery against ships in Asia, including one incident to a container ship while anchored off South Harbour Anchorage Area, Manila, Philippines and another one to a bulk carrier while berthed at Haldia Port.
  • The first incident involved the Hong Kong-flagged container ship ‘MV Sea Span New York.
  • The second incident involved the Singaporean-flagged bulk carrier ‘Nord Penguin’ in the morning of 13 July.

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