U.S. Pre-ports Arrival Checklist for Panama Flagged Vessels




A recent report published in the Panama Registry highlights the importance of MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-381 concerning U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels.

The following points reveal the essential aspects involved in the transit of vessels in the panama Canal.

1. The purpose of this Merchant Marine Circular is to implement additional assessment requirements to decrease the detention numbers of vessels calling in the United States of America (U.S) ports that may subject to Port State Control (PSC)

2. As you are aware the Coast Guard implemented an initiative to identify high-quality ships and flags, and provide incentives to encourage quality operations. This
initiative is called QUALSHIP 21, and through this initiative high-quality vessels
should be recognized and rewarded for their commitment to safety and quality.

3. As Administration one of our main objectives is to be part of the QUALSHIP 21
program and obtain the associated benefits to Panama Flagged vessels.
For this reason, a checklist has drawn up (see ANNEX), to assist Ship-Owners,
operators, technical managers, Designated Persons Ashore (DPA) and vessel
Master´s to find weak items that can results as a ground for detention through Port
State Control Inspections by the U.S. Coast Guard.

4. The checklist must be sent ninety-six hours (96hrs) before the vessel arrives to U.S
ports, to the following email address: psc@amp.gob.pa. For voyages with lasts less
than 96 hours (96hrs), the checklist must be sent at least twenty-four hours (24hrs) before arrival at port.

The use of this checklist is compulsory for all the Panamanian vessels prior to arrivals
U.S. ports, and shall be signed by the vessel Masters and/or company Designated
Persons Ashore (DPA). The omission of this requirement may lead to administrative
sanctions for to the vessel Master, and/or Chief Engineer and/or to the vessel
company as well.

5. If an extraordinariness issues, such as equipment failures or any others situations
that cannot be resolve on board of the vessel immediately; Ship-Owners, operators,
technical managers, DPA or vessel´s Master, shall immediately coordinate the
effective corrective actions, together with the vessel Recognized Organization (R.O,)
and Segumar Offices. At the same time, PSC Authority shall be informed as
requested by regulation 11 “Maintenance of conditions after survey”, SOLAS
Chapter I.

6. For more details regarding the USCG PSC targeting process, please refer to USCG
– Targeting of Foreign Vessels for Port State Control (PSC) Examination – Serial
CVC-WI-021(1), enclosed to this document and the USCG PSC web page in the
following link:

https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Our Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Prevention-Policy-CG-5P/Inspections-Compliance-CG-5PC-/Commercial-Vessel-

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Source: Panama Ship Registry