UK P&I Club: Reminder On Air Emission Standards


The P&I Association in UK has recently seen a number of claims or potential claims for fines imposed on Members as a result of a breach or alleged breach of Marpol Annex VI Regulations.

The reminder is for the update that got into action from 1 January 2015. The update states that, ships trading in designated emission control areas (ECAs) must not use fuel oil on board with a sulphur content exceeding 0.10%. ECAs currently cover the North Sea, Baltic Sea, North American coastline and US Caribbean. Outside the ECAs, with a few exceptions, the worldwide sulphur cap on fuel oil is set at 3.5%, save for passenger ships for which the cap is 1.5%. Following are the exceptions to the general rule.

Summary of current MARPOL limits:

Outside ECAs

Within ECAs


3.5%m/m (since 1/01/2012)

1.0%m/m since 01/07/2010

(0.1% on and after 01/01/2015)


Three Tier Scheme

Tier III (Only for North America ECA

and US Caribbean Sea ECA)


The latest sulphur inspection guidance published by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) can be found here at.

Source: UK P&I