UN Secretary General Calls On IMO


Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary-General, met IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and IMO’s Senior Management Committee during a visit to the Headquarters of International maritime Organisation.

On 3rd February 2016, the UN Secretary-General visited the IMO Headquarters and addressed the representatives of the IMO Member States and IMO staff.

Speed-read of Ban Ki Moon’s Speech:

  • He highlighted the:
    • major role that IMO and the maritime sector had to play in improving people’s lives with landmark agreements such as:
      • 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
      • Paris Agreement on climate change
    • IMO’s efforts to help develop maritime trade, improve port infrastructure and promote seafaring as a career
  • He congratulated the IMO for its contribution to the fight to combat climate change, including through the adoption of legally binding energy efficiency measures for ships.
  • He complimented the shipping industry and rescue services for saving hundreds of thousands of lives, often at considerable cost and danger to themselves.
  • Also, A high-level UN meeting on 19 September, ahead of the UN General Assembly in New York, will aim to find solutions, including establishing safe and legal migration pathways and addressing the conflicts and other failures that force people to risk their lives in this way.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for educational purpose only and not to be construed as a news article.

Source: IMO