Understanding the Side Effects of Ship Propeller

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An article published in the journal Noise Mapping by Gaggero et al. speaks about the ship propeller side effects, reports ResearchGate.

Pressure pulses and radiated noise

The paper deals with the side effects of propellers cavitation, i.e. pressure pulses and radiated noise. These effects are gaining more and more importance for commercial ships for varied reasons. Pressure pulses significantly affect comfort onboard; thus, their reduction is of utmost importance for all ships carrying passengers. As regards the underwater radiated noise, in the last decade interest has shifted from navy applications to commercial ships, due to the concern for the rising background noise in the oceans.

The propellers, generating noise directly in water, represent one of the main contributions to the overall underwater noise emitted from ships. Due to the complexity of the mechanisms of propeller noise generation, different complementary strategies have to be followed to properly analyze the problem, ranging from induced pressure pulses to broadband noise and cavitation.

In their work, part of the activities carried out in the framework of the collaborative EU FP7 project AQUO (Achieve QUieter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction, www.aquo.eu) are reported. The paper presents the investigations carried out on a specific test case represented by a single screw research vessel, which is analyzed with three different strategies: numerical calculations, model scale investigations and full-scale measurements.

 Read the full article.

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Source: ResearchGate