Unleashing Maritime Efficiency: JIT Training

Credit: Visual Tag Mx/Pexels

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is prioritizing digitalization as a means to drive innovation and enhance productivity in the maritime industry. They have introduced the digitalPORT@SGTM Phase 2 initiative, called the Just in Time Planning and Coordination Platform (JIT). JIT aims to optimize vessel arrival and departure at the Port of Singapore, resulting in faster turnaround times and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The platform provides real-time information on vessel schedules, enabling the efficient deployment of port resources such as pilotage, towage, and bunker tankers. To prepare for JIT implementation in the container and bulk sectors, MPA will conduct hands-on training sessions from July 2023 onwards, involving ship agents, towage service providers, and bunker suppliers to familiarize them with the system and its functionalities.

Please fill in the registration form, to register your attendance in one of the training sessions and we look forward to seeing you and your colleagues. If you have any enquiries, please contact us jit@mpa.gov.sg


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Source: MPA