Unused Carnival Cruise Ship Turns into Floating Offices


  • A company wants to turn a cruise ship into a floating ‘Crypto Cruise Ship’ office for now remote techies, ‘digital nomads’, You Tube influencers, startups and more.
  • Ocean Builders is in the final stages of obtaining a ship from Carnival Cruises that would eventually house over 2,000 people in its 777 cabins, priced between $25,000 and $50,000.
  • Guests would have access to fitness classes, a swimming pool and a 5,000 square foot theatre.  Move-ins could start as soon as January 2001.
  • The unconventional office setup represents a burgeoning industry that is catering to remote work as people are free to live where they wish while offices remain shuttered.

An unused Carnival cruise ship could soon become a floating office where techies, YouTube influencers, and ‘digital nomads’ can live and work remotely, writes Katie Canales for Business Insider India.

According to the company’s website, the ship will use “the newest cruise industry health and safety standards” such as onboard testing and “preventative doses of hydroxyhloroquine”, the anti-malaria drug that studies have found to be ineffective against treating the coronavirus.

The Crypto Cruise Ship

The project, first reported by The Telegraph’s Margi Murphy, is dubbed “The Crypto Cruise Ship” and is designed as an entrepreneurial incubator for crypto enthsiasts, digital nomads, YouTube influencers, startups, and other like-minded folks.
  • Guests will have access to yoga and fitness classes, mediation services, a swimming pool, a running track and more.
  • There is also a 5000 square feet theatre for workshops, conventions, movies and live performances.
If you are concerned about catching the flu you have the option to wearing a mask, social distancing, or taking preventative doses of hydroxychloroquine,” the cruise’s website statesseemingly referring to the coronavirus disease as “the flu.”

Unconventional work setup

  • The company’s endeavor to create an unconventional work setup represents a growing industry that is catering to a mass shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Many have been freed from having to live near now-closed corporate offices and have subsequently been deprived of the usual perks that come with working in the region, such as free snacks and in-house massages.
  • Google has announced that employees will be working remotely through summer 2021, and some firms like Dropbox, Twitter, and Slack have told employees that they may work remotely permanently if they choose.
  • Facebook has said that those who wish to leave the pricey San Francisco Bay Area for more affordable locales will likely have to take a pay cut.

Auctions for rooms

Ocean Builders founder Chad Elwartowski told The Telegraph that he is in the final stages of obtaining a ship from Carnival Cruises for an undisclosed sum that will host over 2,000 people in its 777 cabins.
  • If the acquisition goes through, the company will start auctioning the first batch of 100 rooms on Nov 5.
  • The rooms will range in price from $25,000 and $50,000. Its unclear what those rates cover and how long guests would be renting the room.

Bidding closes on November 28

Bidding for the rooms will close on November 28, and guests will be able to move in starting in January when the ship, the MS Satoshi, will be anchored off the coast of Panama.

According to the website, all businesses onboard will accept payment in the form of bitcoin and USD, as well as other forms of payment.

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Source: Business Insider