As US Demand Sinks, Nearly 13,000 TEU Ships Find New Homes



Poor US demand has seed many carriers taking new homes for vessels of 13,000 teu. Taken over by much larger tonnage on their present services, most of the ships of this type were actually designated for re-deployment to transpacific Asia – US routes.  However in the due course, most of the carriers have called for downsizing their transpacific capacity provision in this month.  Earlier in May, CMA CGM had abandoned plans to deploy 17,800 teu ULCS on the Asia – USWC route, an example which stands as a witness for perspectives of this kind.

Nearly 13,000 teu-class ships are being phased out of the FarEast-Europe trade in a gradual manner.  They are being displaced by 19,000 teu newbuildings.  Some of the ships have since joined the transpacific trade, while others are successively re-assigned to the North-South trades, as carriers being to explore alternative employment options for such tonnage.  In this month, two 12,552 teu vessels have been assigned to the standalone AsiaSouth Africa – West Africa ‘Africa Express’ service by MSC.  In the forthcoming weeks plans are open for MSC as it further seeks to move several 13,000 teu ships to both this ‘Africa Express’ and to the Far East -WCSA ‘Andes Express’.


Replacement info:

  • Due to the entry of the ever-larger newbuildings in the top-tier trades, these ships are let free and brought down the line.
  • The 19,224 teu MSC JADE joined at the end of May the 2M’s Far East-Europe ‘AE-2/Swan’ loop and
  • MSC will soon receive the 19,224 teu MSC DITTE and the 19,154 teu sisters MSC DIANA and MSC INGY.
  • The three jumbo ships will all join the ‘AE 2/Swan’ service before the end of July.
  • Deliveries of these units trigger a cascading effect within the MSC fleet.

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Source: Alphaliner