The USCG Rescues Cadet – a Truly Heroic Effort Off Alaska


Coast Guard Conducts Long-range Medevac 230 Miles South of Cold Bay, Alaska


A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced an ailing mariner off the Matson cargo vessel Maunawili approximately 230 miles south of Cold Bay, Alaska, Thursday.

The Jayhawk crew hoisted the 20-year-old man and transported him to an awaiting Guardian Flight in Cold Bay where he was flown to Anchorage for medical care.


Watchstanders at Coast Guard 17th District received notification from Seattle Health Force Partners Wednesday night that a Maine Maritime Academy cadet aboard the 712-foot Maunawili was suffering from pneumonia and respiratory complications.  Watchstanders consulted the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac.

The Maunawili was approximately 805 miles south of Kodiak Island at the time of notification.  The crew was instructed to make best speed toward Cold Bay in order to be in range of the helicopter crews.


A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak HC-130 Hercules airplane crew was directed to the scene to provide coverage for the Jayhawk crew while a second Air Station Kodiak Jayhawk helicopter crew was sent to Sand Point to provide self-rescue cover.

“Due to the distance from the initial call for assistance, it took a concentrated effort to coordinate the long-range medevac,” said Lt. Joseph Schlosser, command duty officer, Coast Guard 17th District.  “Our crews and assets worked diligently to complete this complex mission and we’re glad we were able to assist the man and get him to the medical care he needed.”

Weather on scene was reported as 9 mph winds and one mile of visibility.

Source: USCG News