Vaccination for Seafarers On Priority, Urges Ship Agents Body


Ship agents body MANSA seeks priority in COVID-19 vaccination to seafarers and waterfront workers, says a press release published on their website.

COVID-19 vaccination drive

Maritime Association of Nationwide Shipping Agencies (MANSA) has drawn the attention of the Directorate General of Shipping along with other port and government authorities to give due priority besides seafarers to all staff and workers constantly deployed in operations in the COVID-19 vaccination drive.

Priority for waterfront workers

In a letter addressed to India’s shipping regulator – Directorate General of Shipping, MANSA said, “All waterfront workers should also be granted due priority for vaccination drive undertaken by the authorities.”

Sincerity of maritime frontline workers 

In the letter signed by MANSA, President Hiren Ved has praised the ship agents and their staff’s sincere services, despite COVID-19 travel restrictions and exposure during the pandemic.

Avoid 2020 `crew change crisis’ repetition

MANSA also drew the attention of the authorities to the call given by the International Chamber of Shipping to all governments in putting seafarers and frontline maritime shore workers ahead of the vaccine queue to avoid a repeat of the 2020 `crew change crisis’.

During the pandemic, the `crew change crisis’ had become a global humanitarian crisis as several seafarers had to work for long hours without any break during their working time on board.

For more information read our article Crew Change Crisis Complicates Amid New COVID Mutations

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Source: MANSA