Verify Gross Mass (VGM) Weight Submission


Maersk Line publishes FAQ’s on the implementation of the new SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) requirement for the verification of container weights. In its communication, it reminded that it is the shipper’s responsibility to ensure that VGM is submitted to the shipping line or the terminal, before the container is gated-in. It also mentioned that the shipper must ensure that VGM is correctly declared and shared with the terminal or the shipping line accordingly.

The timelines

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) terminal is a ‘No VGM No Gate-In’ port. Hence the VGM details MUST be submitted to the terminal and shipping line before the containers are gated in.

The consequences of not submitting a VGM before cut-off

Maersk Line says, several outcomes may occur if no VGM is provided to Maersk Line or terminal before cut-off:

  • If a terminal at the port of loading has adopted the “No VGM, No Gate-in” policy, the container may be denied access at the gate. The trucker might incur additional expenses or they might have to wait to submit the VGM.
  • As already noted, no container will be loaded on board a vessel without a VGM. Delays on the cargo may impact the fluidity of the supply chain in case a container isn’t loaded on its planned voyage due to missing VGM. Additionally, potential demurrage and/or detention charges may apply when a container is sitting idle at the terminal waiting for VGM submission.
  • Transshipment port may refuse to handle containers which are mistakenly loaded to a vessel without a VGM. Consequently, the vessel or container may be subjected to delays or held at the transshipment terminal.

Procedure to submit your VGM

There are several ways we can capture VGM:

  1. Please log into the Maersk Line website and update the booking for which the container will be gated-in to the terminal and we will then capture it in our planning system.
  2. Ensure the trucker has a copy of the certificate and gives it to the Maersk Line tally team at the main KPA gates.
  3. Ensure the correct VGM is updated in KWATOS at the time of pre-advice of export bookings to the terminal.

Maersk Line urged to ensure that VGM is sent to the terminal before container gate-in to avoid above mentioned consequences.

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Source: Maersk