Vessel Hits Bridge, Smashes Water Pipes and Internet Cables


On October 24, Oldendorff Carriers reported that its vessel Erna Oldendorff was moved to the Yanai anchorage in Japan for a further assessment by the Japanese Coast Guard of the damage following the ship’s allision with the Oshima bridge.

What happened?

On October 24, the vessel ‘Erna Oldendorff’ allided with the structure causing damage to a water supply pipe and internet cables. The Oshima bridge is temporarily closed for traffic, but it is reported that one-way traffic resumed shortly.

Strong currents play havoc

The vessel allided because of a strong and dangerous current near the bridge, it was impossible to anchor safely near the site of the accident. The Master reported the accident and then the vessel proceeded to its planned safe anchorage at Etajima, Japan.

No injuries reported

Fortunately, no injuries or pollution to the environment was reported. The vessel sustained damage to its mast and 3 cranes. Immediately after the incident Oldendorff Carriers informed all relevant authorities and parties. The 21 qualified crew aboard are cooperating fully with the Japanese Coast Guard investigation.

Investigation launched

An investigation has been launched by the Japanese Coast Guard to determine the cause of the incident which is still unknown. Oldendorff Carriers are meanwhile offering their full cooperation to the investigation.

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Source: Oldendorff