Vessel Safety Operation and Environmental Preservation with “K-IMS”


Joint Development Project of “K-IMS”; Integrated Vessel Operation and Performance Management System

“K” Line Group are focusing on maintaining and improving vessel safety operation and environmental preservation since we regard it as first principle to run our business sustainably fulfilling social responsibility.

As part of making our principle firm, “K” Line and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd Group have developed “K-IMS”*1; Integrated vessel operation and performance management system.

Though “K-IMS” is based on 2 kinds of existing systems equipped our fleet of; “SPAS” (Ship Performance Analyzing System) which is the electrical AB log and vessel performance analyzed, and “EP-Monitor” (Engine Plant Monitor) which is a remote monitoring system for the vessel engine plant condition, we have made it a new system by integrating developed “EP-Monitor” which has become able to collect and observe all kinds of operation data including navigation data and “NAVI” (Optimum Navigation System) we have newly adopted. Integrating these individual systems enables us to utilize the real-time operation data from vessels, so-called Big data, in mutual systems and also enables us to support vessel operation and manage vessel performance in an easy way by grasp of real-time vessel operating conditions, optimum safety route selection, the latest vessel performance and so on through the new data browsing system we have developed.


“K-IMS” and the Big data are managed in cloud system in the shore server and that have various functions such as observing the operating condition of vessels, analyzing the performance of vessels and deciding the safest and lowest cost recommended course based on the analysis result and weather information.  “K-IMS” could be shared among operation teams, ship management companies and vessels.  Therefore, it will contribute not only to safety navigation and saving fuel cost but also to improve efficient vessel operation and management dramatically.

Moreover, we have applied for the “Project to support R&D of advanced technology for safe vessels” that Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport invited the other day with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd and “K” Line Ship Management Co., Ltd. in “K” Line group and our development project “Enhancing analysis accuracy by automatic correction function with hull property model and applying it to safety operation” was adopted because it deserves to the development promotion of “advanced safe vessels” by IoT (Internet of Things) of vessels’ equipment with marine broadband and making use of Big data.  By the success of this project, the accuracy of the Optimum Navigation System in the “K-IMS” is much improved and further improvement of ship safety and economic operations by achievement of appropriate navigation route selection is expected.

“K” Line will continue to work on environmental preservation and economic operation, keeping to build a reliable safety operation organization by improving the accuracy of optimum navigation system and further developing and utilizing of bottom fouling analysis system, trim optimization system, engine diagnose system on “K-IMS”.

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Source: K Line