Veteran Maersk Manager Godsafe Bids Adieu, New Manager Appointed


Maersk UK & Ireland manager Brian Godsafe, has called it quit after an illustrious 38 year long career with shipping giant. And now, the company has announced that they are promoting Jeremy Haycock to the area manager position, reports the Loadstar

Brian Godsafe

  • The former UK & Ireland area manager, Brian Godsafe (pictured above), decided to retire on 1 March after a 38-year career with the company
  • Mr Haycock (pictured below) is currently the area sales manager for the UK & Ireland and has worked for Maersk in a variety of roles in Denmark, Italy, UK, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sweden, and the US.
  • Mr Godsafe’s retirement brings to an end a long career with Maersk, said the report.

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Source: The LoadStar