Viswa Group’s Astounding Innovation Paved Way to Step into Lloyd’s Award 2018


Lloyd’s Awards can be rightly said as Oscar of Maritime community as a whole. Lloyds Award is conferred for various achievements and revolutionary findings that enhance the shipping community and the society. Awards on different categories such as sustainability, excellent performance, and innovation, are given to the most remarkable advancements made in that stipulated arm of the Maritime industry.

Various initiatives are undertaken and regulations are imposed by the Maritime community to control pollution at sea as it is the need of the hour. IMO, the top Maritime regulating body, had passed an important mandate that all ships will control sulphur emission to be less than 0.1% from 2020.

To enable the ship owners to comply with the above regulation, Viswa Group had indigenously designed a New Scrubber type that helps in reducing the emissions of engines to be below 0.1% sulphur. Viswa Patented scrubber had been recently nominated for Lloyds Award 2018 under the category Best Technology for Cleaner Emission.

Most lucrative part of Viswa Scrubber is that it’s less cost intensive and the installation time of this scrubber is substantially lesser when benchmarked with any of the Industry peers. Thus helps ship owners install scrubber at an optimized cost with reduced downtime of the vessel. Viswa scrubber had been successfully installed on board a vessel in China Shipyard and found to be exceeding expectations. As per the company spokesperson, few orders were in the pipe line and expected to be implemented soon. For more information on Viswa Scrubber visit the company website or email at

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