Viswa Lab Speaks About the Importance of Good Relationships in a Letter To Its Clients


With the coronavirus outbreak wreaking havoc in everyone’s life Dr. Vis from the Viswa Lab writes to all of you on hope and how to maintain cordial relationships while social distancing.

Here’s what he says.

These are difficult times. They are challenging to all of us in more than one way. The news of extreme sorrow and despair fills the news and social media. The problems seem innumerable and the tasks insurmountable.

What keeps a person going?

It’s this small word that seems to give us the ability to endure, RELATIONSHIPS.

As we look at the Covid 19 pandemic, there is hope also. The official collaboration between countries, the learning that people have shared from mistakes they made, the desire of the retired health care workers to serve once again even at great risk to their own lives, the selfless contribution of emergency care workers, the selfless donations of many and the ability to stay socially connected even while practicing social distancing all give hope.

Relationships gives us hope.

A famous Psychiatrist, Robert Waldinger, summarizes what keeps people Happy and Healthy in his TED Talk. These are the results of an unprecedented 75 year long study done by Harvard University. The gist of the talk was this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

Dr. Waldinger further expands on this. Deep social connections are the key to health and happiness. These social connections are not the superficial kind but the ones that you have to dig deep to get and to keep. The ability to depend on the people in these deep relationships have been shown to protect both physical and mental health.

In our fast-paced lives and being bombarded with information, it is difficult for us to slow down and appreciate our truly valuable relationships. We have been forced to slow down now.

Can we use this time to focus and be truly grateful for the meaningful relationships in our lives?

As you know Viswa has always tried to partner with you in your endeavor to run your ships efficiently.

The relationship has never been one of vendor or sub‐contractor.

We at Viswa would like to thank you, our valuable customers, for our relationship with you and wish you great health and safety during these times.

– Dr. Vis and Viswa Group

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Source: Viswa Lab