Vitol Approves First Completely Digital Inspection of KCC’s Vessel


According to a recent press release published on Klaveness Combination Carriers “KCC” website, one of its CLEANBU vessels was recently cleared for loading clean petroleum product (CPP) and accepted by Vitol, an energy and commodities trader and major charterer in the CPP market.

A complete digital inspection

The twist – the acceptance came following a completely remote digital inspection.

This inspection of cargo tanks was conducted by surveyors at Maritime Expert Ireland scrutinizing high quality 3D photos from each cargo hold taken by the crew and uploaded on DNV’s Veracity solution.

This replaced attending the vessel and physically inspecting the cargo tanks, and all parties concerned identified the following mutual key learnings from the experience:

  • Safe: With safety always a top priority, all third-party service providers were safeguarded by eliminating the everyday risks of work at sea and going into cargo holds, as well as reducing the risk of any COVID transmission.

  • Efficient: Valuable time was saved be excluding waiting periods due to weather and other challenges that typically hinder surveyors getting aboard.

  • Carbon-friendly: All CO2 reductions in the operations of all parties are welcome and we saw gains in not utilizing ocean or land-based transportation to get surveyors aboard. In addition, we reduced fuel consumption through less waiting time and shorter conversion time from dry bulk to tanker mode.

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Source: Klaveness