Wärtsilä to Upgrade Exhaust Treatment Systems on Color Line Vessels for Enhanced Sustainability


Technology group Wärtsilä has secured a contract to upgrade the exhaust treatment systems on four vessels in Color Line’s fleet, a Norwegian operator. The upgrade will involve adding closed-loop functionality to the existing open-loop scrubbers, enabling the ships to operate more efficiently, safely, and with a heightened focus on environmental sustainability. This order was placed in Q3 2024.

Energy Efficiency and Emission Reductions in Maritime

As the maritime industry intensifies efforts to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions, ship owners and operators, like Color Line, are increasingly adopting technologies that optimize vessel performance while meeting sustainability goals. The upgrade to a hybrid scrubber system will allow Color Line to manage and control emissions from scrubber wash water, ensuring compliance with evolving environmental regulations.

Color Line’s Commitment to Environmental Responsibility

Per Erik Olsen, EVP of Color Line Marine, emphasized that the scrubber upgrade aligns with the company’s focus on minimizing the environmental impact of its operations. Wärtsilä’s system will not only ensure compliance with current regulations but also prepare the vessels for future requirements.

Advanced Scrubber Technology for Emission Reduction

Wärtsilä’s hybrid scrubber systems incorporate cutting-edge exhaust cleaning technology, significantly reducing sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions to comply with global emission control standards. The system, which can operate in both open and closed loop modes using seawater to remove SOx, achieves a 98 percent reduction in SOx emissions while also lowering nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter emissions.

Wärtsilä’s Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability

Kashif Javaid, Director of Sales, Exhaust Treatment at Wärtsilä Marine, highlighted the company’s dedication to innovation and developing abatement solutions that support the maritime industry’s emissions reduction goals. Wärtsilä’s modular approach and ongoing R&D efforts have positioned them as a key partner for Color Line in their quest for safe, efficient, and sustainable vessel operations.

Timeline and Scope of the Upgrade

The upgrade will be implemented on two large Ro-Pax and two high-speed Ro-Pax vessels, which operate routes between Norway and Denmark, and Norway and Germany. The work is scheduled to begin in late 2024.


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Source: Wärtsilä